Course Design Resources
Course Design
The DACC Online Framework requires a holistic process that begins with the end in mind. By following this recommended structure, you will ensure that you will create a course rooted in best practices and learners will achieve your learning objectives.
Instructional Design
This tool can help you organize and sequence course content into units or weeks. A unit typically addresses two or three weeks of content that logically go together.
This tool can help you figure out how and when you will assess student achievement of learning outcomes.
Course maps are a visual tool used to design your course. Utilizing the backward design process, a course map is a representation of how you intend to approach course and module student learning outcomes you have identified for your course.
Identifies the specific readings, assignments, assessments, and other activities for each week.
Syllabus Design
A student-centered course requires a syllabus that demonstrates your commitment that your students’ ability to achieve the course objectives are at the center of everything that takes place in the course.
Students expect to see the syllabus as their first item of course content at the beginning of the semester.
The DACC Master Syllabus Template is the designated template for all DACC courses to utilize. Check-in each semester for any updated versions. Login to Sharepoint will be required or email
The DACC Syllabus Checklist should be utilized by faculty to ensure all required components of the DACC Syllabus have been addressed. Login to Sharepoint will be required or email
Other Considerations
Fair use is the right to use copyrighted material without permission or payment under some circumstances.
Implementing the principles of universal design in online learning means anticipating the diversity of students that may enroll in your course and planning accordingly.