Artificial Intelligence Tools

Teaching With AI Canvas Workshop 

The Auburn University Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning introduces a world-class, fully-online, self-paced course: "Teaching with AI" especially designed for higher education faculty, graduate students interested in academic careers, and professional staff.

AI Decision Tree

This workflow of a principles-based approach will assist you in deciding if and how to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into course development, research, and other work projects. 

Ecampus, O. S. U. (n.d.).Artificial Intelligence Tools. AI Decision Tree – Artificial Intelligence Tools – Faculty Support | Oregon State Ecampus | OSU Degrees Online. Decision Tree to determine when and how to incorporate AI into your work.

Bloom's Taxonomy Revisited

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a resource to help faculty assess what “level” of learning is planned based on course-level outcomes and to align appropriate activities and assessments to support student learning and success. Oregon State University has used Bloom’s Taxonomy as a touchstone for reconsidering course outcomes and student learning in the age of generative AI. 


Download Bloom's Taxonomy Revisited


AI Icons for Syllabi and Assignments

The UIS Syllabus and Assignment Icons represent common approaches to generative AI use for course policies and assignments. Add these These icons have been adapted from the Oregon State Syllabus and Assignment AI Icon Project. 


Download Icon Images from


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A Guide for Students: Should I Use AI?

A decision tree for students to determine if they should use AI in their work. 


Student AI Decision Tree


ChatGPT Prompting Frameworks

The UIS Syllabus and Assignment Icons represent common approaches to generative AI use for course policies and assignments. Add these These icons have been adapted from the Oregon State Syllabus and Assignment AI Icon Project. 


Prompting Frameworks

Unleashing the Horizon: AI's Impact on Higher Education

DACC Works Keynotes: Page Durhan and Wesley Kinsey


Empowering Faculty



DACC Works: Page Durhan and Wesley Kinsey


Elevating Daily Work



DACC Works: Page Durham and Wesley Kinsey