Science, Engineering, and Mathematics

Program Student Learning Outcomes


Math and Statistics

Developmental Math

Students will be able to:
  • Interpret and analyze sequential math processes
  • Utilize an effective problem solving process
  • Interpret and present data, and draw appropriate conclusions and recommendations
  • Simplify, solve, evaluate and/or graph a variety of math related problems
Credit-Bearing Math Students will be able to:
  • Understand the concept of functions verbally, numerically, graphically and symbolically.
  • Relate and apply algebraic relationships to career applications.
  • Interpret and analyze data from mathematical models in real world applications.
  • Use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and judge the reasonableness of their results.
  • Employ theories of functions and tools of mathematics to obtain a solution.

Although slightly modified, developmental mathematics course outcomes were originally taken from Dona Ana Community College’s state level competencies, and credit bearing course outcomes were based on AMATYC standards, found in Math Americans Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (2018).

IMPACT: Improving Mathematical Prowess And College Teaching. Memphis, TN: Author.


Student will be able to:

  • Use descriptive statistics to describe sample data appropriately.
  • Generate and interpret common graphics (bar chart, pie chart, histogram, boxplot, scatterplot) to describe data.
  • Compute and interpret common statistics (mean, std, 5-number summary, correlation, regression slope and intercept) to describe data.
  • Present concepts of probability
  • Able to apply probability rules to find probability of compound event
  • Able to find probability for an event from common distributions (Normal and Binomial)
  • Interpret sampling distribution, and able to use Central Limit Theorem to find distribution of sample mean.
  • Identify Sample and Population
  • Identify sample and Population for any given research
  • Interpret why random sampling is required in order to avoid bias.
  • Differentiate between population parameters and sample statistics.
  • Use appropriate inferential statistics to conclude toward the population of research interest.
  • Identify the two common processes of inferences (Confidence Interval and Hypothesis test)
  • Be able to use appropriate inference procedure to accommodate different research design. (z-CI and t-CI, z-test, t-test, Paired t and Two sample t test)
  • Interpret types of error from hypothesis test, and determine which type of error is possible based on the decision of the test.

General Engineering

Students will be able to:

  • use oral communication effectively
  • use written communication to effectively present technical information
  • work effectively as a member of a team
  • apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
  • identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems use computer engineering software to solve problems and present solutions
  • design and conduct experiments
  • analyze and interpret data
  • demonstrate professionalism in interactions with colleagues, faculty and staff
  • understand the impact of engineering solutions in our global environment

Program evaluation and assessment: The primary success metrics used to measure the effectiveness and quality of the program is the number of majors, number of graduates, and number of transfers to Bachelor’s degree. The program will be assessed as part of the DACC Bi-annual Program Review and annual budget process.


Lab Sciences
  • Astronomy - ASTR
  • Biology - BIOL
  • Chemistry - CHEM
  • Geology - GEOL
  • Physics - PHYS

Students taking a laboratory science course will be able to:

  • Apply the scientific method of constructing and testing hypotheses leading to newer understanding in the discipline
  • Identify assumptions within a given context and be able to predict outcome through data analysis
  • Solve problems with existing protocols and/or be able to devise alternative procedures to complete a lab or design an experiment independently.
  • Obtain, interpret and analyze numerical information through the use of appropriate tables, diagrams, and algorithms
  • Apply discipline-specific knowledge to solve human problems in real world
  • Effectively communicate knowledge in a way that is understandable to the general population.
  • Develop competency in conveying discipline-specific knowledge through laboratory reports and/or written assignments following proper APA documentation style.
  • Develop ethical arguments in in science in favor of greater good through the discussion of pros and cons of advances resulting from newer scientific discoveries and inventions.
  • Develop competence in appropriate scientific laboratory techniques
  • Work cooperatively in groups or teams to fulfill course objectives