General Education Assessment Resources

The state of New Mexico updated its model of general education to focus on essential skills. The state adopted two models: one for applied associate degrees and a second for bachelors and all other associate degrees. For information about these two models see

The defining characteristic of a New Mexico general education course is its focus on essential skills: communication, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, information and digital literacy, and personal and social responsibility. Each of the General Education content areas are associated with three essential skills (see table). Periodic assessment and recertification are intended to support deliberate and effective instruction of essential skills in general education courses at DACC.

NMHED Content Areas and Essential Skills


This table includes a list of the 6 content areas and the 3 essential skills that are associated with each content area.



  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Information and Digital Literacy


  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Quantitative Reasoning


  • Critical Thinking
  • Personal and Social Responsibility
  • Quantitative Reasoning
Social and Behavioral Science


  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Personal and Social Responsibility


  • Critical Thinking
  • Information and Digital Literacy
  • Personal and Social Responsibility
Creative and Fine Arts


  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Personal and Social Responsibility

General Education Assessment Resources 

The DACC General Education Assessment committee has developed a six-year course assessment plan, which includes two three-year cycles, and began in the 2022-2023 academic year. The 2022-2027 General Education Assessment Plan (including the General Education Rubrics) can be found here.


 General Education Sample Assessment Assignments

How-to Videos

Importing the Outcomes Rubric -

Professional development opportunities related to general education assessment will be offered through the Learning Resource Network (  

Please contact Shannon Bradley, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chair of the General Education Assessment Committee ( if you have questions.