Student Success Assessment and College Services Review

Student Success Assessment at DACC includes assessment of student learning gained through co-curricular activities and interactions with student-facing units as well as the assessment of program and process outcomes of those units. The units currently involved in Students Success Assessment include student-facing units within Academic Affairs, Business and Finance, and Student Services that provide learning opportunities outside of the formal classroom setting. Student Success units submit an assessment plan and assessment report annually. These plans and reports are published internally on the DACC SharePoint page.

College Services Review is a self-review process for units that support DACC’s Mission and are not a part of Academic Program Review.  This includes both student-facing and non-student-facing units. The purpose of the process is for units to identify their strengths and weaknesses, how they contribute to the DACC’s guiding documents (Mission, Things That Matter, Strategic Plan, and Student Success Vision), and develop a plan for continuous improvement.  The review process uses a variety of data collection methods to elicit feedback from service users such as students, faculty, staff, and community partners as well as metrics specific to the units involved. College Services Review reports are published internally on the DACC SharePoint page.


For more information about Assessment at DACC, please contact Dr.Jennifer Hodges, Associate Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness, at or 575-527-7734