DACC is a responsive and accessible learning-centered community college that provides educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners in support of academic interests, workforce development, and economic growth.
DACC will be a premier, inclusive college that is grounded in academic excellence and committed to fostering lifelong learning and active, responsible citizenship within the community.
DACC GO Bond Priorities
Detailed Scope of Work and Impact to User Groups
DACC will meet its capital needs by combining issuance of local General Obligation bonds (GO bonds) with requested state matching funds.
- $16 million in GO bonds in 2023 (Cycle 7) and $16 million in 2027 (Cycle 8). With potential state matches, the capital strategy encompasses $47.75 million with a target of about 33% state funding assistance over the course of its implementation.
- The capital plan continues a variety of capital ‘funds’ dedicated to site and facility renewal and re-purposing and the highest priority capital projects selected based on their educational program impact or longstanding capital improvement need.
- Specific projects to be implemented in the upcoming funding cycle 2023-2026 totaling $16,000,000
Area Security and Safety Upgrades: $1,400,000
Improves security and surveillance access/control and camera systems, exterior locks, and site lighting at all DACC locations guided by Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles which include natural surveillance, natural access control, and territoriality and the 2018 Technologies Systems Master Plan.
Infrastructure Improvements: $1,150,000
Funds for maintenance and repair, and site development to DACC sites
Classroom Upgrades / Facility Renewal / Renovations: $2,850,000
Renovation and re-purposing to selected instructional areas at all DACC sites, including room configuration, furniture, room finishes, and instructional equipment guided by a Classroom Renovation Master Plan and other assessment to best utilize space to meet program needs.
Information Technology / Upgrades / Equipment acquisition: $2,500,000
Renovation and re-purposing to selected instructional areas at all DACC sites, including room configuration, furniture, room finishes, and instructional equipment guided by a Classroom Renovation Master Plan and other assessment to best utilize space to meet program needs.
In the 2023-2026 funding cycle (Cycle 7), DACC has the following priority:
- Improvement to the Sunland Park Center to replace portables with permanent classrooms, and provision of science labs, and student areas. $8,100,000.
College Strategies
- Due to declining enrollment levels and pandemic impacts, DACC will shift its focus from facility growth to facility renovation/re-purposing, as well as instructional technology renewal to stay at the forefront of educational delivery.
- DACC will continue to identify projects that align with state and service area priorities.
Early Voting Locations
Doña Ana County Government Center:
October 10 – November 3
Monday – Friday from 8 am – 5 pm
November 4
Saturday from 10 am – 6 pm.
Dona Ana County Government Center
845 N. Motel Blvd.
Las Cruces, NM 88007
All Other Locations:
October 21 - November 4
Tuesday-Saturday from 11 am - 7 pm.
Anthony Public Library, 750 Landers, Anthony
DACC Chaparral, 755 Prescott Anthony Drive, Chaparral
DACC East Mesa Campus, 2800 Sonoma Ranch Blvd, Las Cruces
DACC Sunland Park, 3365 McNutt Rd., Sunland Park
Hatch High School, 170 E. Herrera Rd., Hatch
Las Cruces City Hall, 700 N. Main St., Las Cruces
Mesilla Town Hall, 2231 Avenida de Mesilla, Mesilla
NMSU Corbett Center, 1600 International Mall, Las Cruces
Things that matter
Priority 1:
who access DACC services and resources.
Priority 2:
community resources that support student success.
Priority 3:
educational goals.
Priority 4:
to produce results effectively/efficiently.