
The job market for qualified engineering professionals has entered a new age. Regardless of industry trends and forecasts, one thing remains certain – engineers are an essential component to developing new ideas and furthering the many branches of engineering.

If a student is interested in the field of engineering, an associate degree is a good starting point to pursue higher education. Within an associate degree program, students become familiar with the many subfields of engineering, allowing them to identify where their specific professional interests lie before they progress to a four-year institution.

The small classes at DACC result in a student/instructor ratio that allows personal interaction, which strengthens the educational process. This is particularly a great benefit in higher levels of math and science courses. It’s no wonder, then, that community college engineering programs have a high retention rate and a high success rate. In addition, the cost of attending a community college for the first two years greatly reduces the cost of an engineering degree.

The General Engineering curriculum is designed to provide students a set of courses that will articulate into the four-year engineering programs at New Mexico State University, the University of New Mexico, and New Mexico Tech. Once students have completed the associates degree, they are well on their way to a bachelor’s degree program in their selected field. Students must work closely with an advisor to select the best options for successful transition to the four-year institution of their choice.

For high school students who are interested in a career in engineering, courses in mathematics and science are essential. Remember to consult the DACC Catalog, available online, for more complete information before choosing a program. Certain restrictions, qualifications, and/or fees may apply.

A man carefully tweaks a section of a large complex machine with pinpoint accuracy.

General Engineering

NOTABLE COURSESIntroduction to Engineering, Physical Geology, Introduction to Civil Engineering

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative courses to graduate

DURATION: 4 semesters / 2 years SEE ROADMAP >>

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