Many of the services, equipment, and accommodations included in this list may be available with the assistance of agencies such as the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the Commission for the Blind.
- Priority Registration
- Note-taking Assistance
- Readers
- Accommodated Testing
- Enlarged-print materials
- E-Text & Audio Text
- Computer/software adaptations
- Alternative keyboards
- Accessible furniture
- American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters
- Referral and Liaison
- Others upon Request
Disabilities of students served by the SAS are classified into the following categories:
- Learning Disabilities – a neurological impairment, resulting in below-average functioning in some academic areas with average to above-average functioning in other areas.
- Attention Deficit Disorder – a neurological impairment resulting in an inability to focus attention on one stimulus. Characterized by an inability to focus and concentrate for long periods.
- Sensory – a reduction in the ability to see or hear.
- Health Disabilities – a wide range of disabilities that result from medical conditions. These include lupus, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, epilepsy, respiratory problems, etc.
- Non-Ambulatory – because of the nature of the disability, a wheelchair or scooter is used for mobility.
- Psychological – a disability characterized by a reduction in appropriate thinking or social behavior.
- Traumatic Brain Injury – neurological impairment resulting in loss of cognitive, psychological and physical functioning.
SAS Purpose
- Assistance in obtaining appropriate documentation.
- Determination of reasonable academic accommodations.
- Provision of adaptive equipment.
- Advocacy with faculty members.
- Resolution of problems of physical accessibility.