Comfort Casita is DACC's in-house food pantry
Welcome to ALL DACC Students, Staff, and Faculty
Comfort Casita Eligibility
Espina Campus DASH 109B
Spring 2024 Hours:
Monday 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Tuesday 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Comfort Casita →
Micro Casita's
Unable to come to distributions or need extra support?
Micro Casitas provide bags of food with about a weeks worth of goods
Please contact your location to schedule pick up time
Micro Casita Bags can be found at Student Accessibility & AVANZA locations
Locations & Contacts
Chaparral & Gadsden Center- Cynthia Dominguez
East Mesa Campus - Molly McCaskell
Espina Campus - Daniella Rivera or Monica deHerrera-Pardo
Sunland Park - Alma Olacio
DACC Mobile Food Pantry
In partnership with Casa De Peregrinos DACC serves as a distribution center that provides food baskets that typically consist of a variety of fresh vegetables, meat, canned goods, bread, and other pantry items.
Welcome to ALL Students, Staff, Faculty, and the Community
First 50 served, Registration at the time of event- Please Bring Photo ID and Proof of Address
Espina Campus -
Outside Library Parking Lot
9:30am - 10:30am
East Mesa Campus -
Outside Student Resource Building Parking Lot
1:30pm - 2:30pm
Interested in Volunteering? or Have Questions?
For dates check out our Crimson Connection Page →
Southern Doña Ana County Students
In partnership with Southern New Mexico Project & Gadsden Independent School District
DACC students are able to access local resources closer to their communities
Each distribution requires sign up prior to collection
For Sunland Park Area
Email Alma
For Gadsden, Anthony, Chaparral Area
Aggie Cupboard
NMSU's in-house food pantry provides free supplementary food assistance to the NMSU community, including Las Cruces and DACC students, faculty, and staff
Food Distributions:
906 Gregg St. Las Cruces, NM
Tuesday: 11:00am- 2:00pm
Wednesday: 3:00pm -6:00pm
Mobile Food Pantry:
SW Corner of Preciado Park
Every Fourth Tuesday of the month
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Casa De Peregrinos
Families are eligible to receive one distribution of food per month.
Food Distributions average of 80 pounds
Distributions Times
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00am - 11:00am
1:00pm - 3:00 pm
999 W. Amador Ave., Suite F
Yes New Mexico
One Application for a variety of public assistance programs
Food Assistance (SNAP)
Medical Assistance (Medicaid)
Water Assistance (LiHWAP)
Cash Assistance (TANF)
Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
WIC (Women, Infant, Children)
Offers free healthy foods, nutrition education, nursing support, and community connections to help families.
For low- income pregnant, postpartum, and nursing (breastfeeding) women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk
El Caldito Soup Kitchen
A hot nutritious meal served daily Sunday- Friday to anyone who come into their dining room for lunch. A take-out sack lunch is offered on Saturdays
Serving Hours
Sunday- Friday 11:30am - 1:00pm
Saturday 11:30am - 12:00pm
FYI+ Families & Youth Innovations Plus Nutrition
At-risk After School Meals
Provides nutritious dinner to children that would possibly be without food upon arriving home from school
Summer Food Service
Provides breakfast, lunch and dinner for children (1-18) when school is not in session
Child & Adult Care Food
Provides reimbursement for meals to non-resident children or adults being cared for in a home setting