DACC Purchasing Cycle

*** Before you create an Internal Purchasing Requisition (IPR) you need to make sure the vendor has an active Banner Identification number, please send an email to daccaccountspayable@mydacc.nmsu.edu for verification. If the vendor does not have an active Banner number the department (not the vendor) must fill out a Vendor Questionnaire and email it to accountspayable@mydacc.nmsu.edu, and a request will be submitted. Upon receipt of the request, Procurement Services will invite new vendors via an email to complete the process electronically through the eProcurement system. Once the vendor is set up the procurement office will send the department an email letting them know.
- Goods and Services may only be acquired when a Purchase Order is in place- not before
- Computers, tablets and Computer Software should be approved through Computer Support
- Equipment/Furniture purchase should be approved through Facilities
- A staff/faculty member identifies a buying need and contacts DACC Accounts Payable to verify vendor is current and in the system otherwise a vendor questionnaire will need to be obtained
- The staff/faculty member identifies sources and obtains procurement descriptions for specifications and fills out an Internal Purchase Oder Form IPR Form. Please make sure to turn in the signed IPR and quote(s) to DACC Accounts Payable with enough time to allow for processing before the goods and services are needed.
- The following are minimum requirements for transaction thresholds:
Small Purchase $3,000 or less Best obtainable price 1 written quote provided to Purchasing $3,001 to $20,000 Best obtainable price 1 written quote provided to Purchasing $20,001 to $60,000 Lowest price 3 written quotes provided to Purchasing Greater than $60,000 Lowest price and/or Most qualified Formal Bid/Request for Proposal issued by Purchasing - The requesting department sends the signed IPR Form with attached quote to DACC Accounts Payable. The DACC Accounts Payable office will create a requisition in accordance with the University’s guidelines and bidding thresholds.
- The purchase requisition travels electronically through the DACC’s approval process, to the VP for Business and Finance, Accounting and the NMSU Fiscal Monitor.
- The (CPO) Central Purchasing Office Agent will then justify the source and the prices and also determine the validity of any sole source justification.
- The Purchase Order is approved and released and sent to DACC Accounts Payable.
- DACC Accounts Payable will then forward the Purchase Order to the requester listed on the IPR form .
- If Purchase is under $3,000 the DACC requesting department will forward the PO to the vendor and place the order not the Central Purchasing Office (CPO). If over $3000 the CPO will forward the PO to the vendor and place the order.
- The product or service is delivered to the requester.
- Receiving documentation is sent back to DACC Accounts Payable DAMA 114 if applicable.
- An approved invoice is sent to DACC Accounts Payable by the requesting department and payment is issued by NMSU Accounts Payable.
- A single purchase in an amount equal to or greater than $60,000 shall be made only after notice that sealed bids and/or proposals will be received; unless the purchase meets the sole source justification requirements.
- An invitation to Bid or Request for Proposals will be sent to qualified vendors selected by the Central Purchasing Office (CPO). Departments may suggest additional sources. The department will be notified of the date, time, and location of bid opening. After the bid opening, the CPO will indicate the responsible bidders and a copy will be forwarded to the requesting department for review. If the lowest bid is rejected, the department must state in writing why the bid did not meet specifications and recommend whether to accept the next lowest bid or to reject all bids and re-bid. If no bids were received, or the bids received were rejected, the CPO will re-advertise and solicit bids and additional time. If after the re-bid no bids were received or the re-advertised bids are also unacceptable, the CPO may negotiate the required procurement on the open market. Official bid responses must NOT be altered in any way, and all original documentation must be returned to the CPO.
*Please make sure to turn in the signed IPR and quote(s) to DACC Accounts Payable with enough time to allow for processing before the goods and services are needed*
For complete details on the Purchasing Cycle please refer to the BPM-4 Business Procedures Manual-Chapter 4-CPO