The Procurement Card (PCard) system is designed to provide faculty and staff with a convenient and simple method for your procurement needs. It is one of the University’s two recommended methods for making small dollar purchases of regularly consumed supplies and services. The Pcard is a Visa and should be accepted by any authorized supplier that accepts Visa Cards. It reduces turnaround time for approvals and payment of charges, and eliminates bottlenecks and paper shuffling between departments.
The Pcard program is not intended to replace the Purchase Order system. It is to be only used for the purchases of supplies and services less than $3,000 in value. Items valued more than this should be procured through the issuance of a Purchase Order. The Pcard program is also not intended to be used for travel and hospitality services. These types of expenditures should be procured through the Travel Office in the Business Office. They can be reached at 527-7650.
The maximum single transaction limit for Procurement Card purchases is $3,000 with a maximum of $10,000 total charges for the monthly billing cycle. Splitting a single order greater than $3,000 in total value into multiple orders to elude the $3,000 Pcard transaction limit is contrary to University policy and should not be done. Purchases of tangible personal property, $1,000 or more are not allowed.
How to get a Pcard
1. Send an email requesting a P Card to daccaccountspayable@mydacc.nmsu.edu.The DACC Accounts Payable Office will get in contact with you to complete a Procurement Card Application.
The Application must be signed by your supervisor and your department chair/director if you are staff or by your department chair/director or dean for faculty. By signing the application, you acknowledge your understanding of the program and agree to abide by the guidelines established. Any misuse of the card may result in the revocation of the Card-holder’s charging privileges. Any unauthorized purchases may be charged to you.
After the Procurement Card Application has been received by the Procurement Card Administrator, they will submit your information to the bank. It will take approximately two weeks to process your application.
2. Complete the training’s
- Complete the Procurement Card Procedures for Cardholders training conducted by Center for Learning and Professional Development. This can be completed face-to-face or via an online version. Registration is available at trainingcentral.nmsu.edu.
- Complete the trainings conducted by FSA-RMR office which are:
- FSA-RMR Informational Session https://inside.nmsu.edu/rmr/training/
- FSA-RMR Bridge to BDMS & PCard Receipt Destruction https://inside.nmsu.edu/rmr/training/
The trainings are mandatory for all new pcard holders. They are also recommended for anyone else using the pcard.
3. Receive your card
Upon successful completion of these requirements, the PCard administration office will request a procurement card in your name. You will also receive a separate email with new information on how to log in to the PCard System to access your account.
When you receive your card please forward a copy of your pcard(front and back) to DACC Accounts Payable DAMA 114 for your pcard file.
For any guidance and further assistance with the processes of the pcard applications, please call DACC Accounts Payable at 527-7651 or 527-7558 or send an email to daccaccountspayable@mydacc.nmsu.edu
Cardholder Guidelines
- Cardholders should utilize all pcard policies in accordance with the New Mexico State University policy and procedures guidelines set forth in the pcard training and training materials, Business Procedures Manual-P Card(BPM), the Cardholder Agreement and any other specific DACC internal requirements.
- Original Receipts for all pcard purchases and any supporting documentation attached to a Pcard cover sheet, should be sent to the Business Office DAMA 114 on a daily basis.
- Pcard cover sheet should have card holder name, vendor, name of the program/department making purchase of general goods/services, and index number and purpose of purchase.
- No personal use purchases with the Pcard are allowed. No exceptions. This will be marked as a misuse and may have pcard privileges revoked.
- Keep the card in a secure location. Unauthorized users could put DACC at financial risk.
- If the procurement card is to be used by others in the department it is still the Pcard holders responsibility to turn in receipts in a timely manner.
- All items purchased with the Pcard must be shipped to a DACC address.
- University policy prohibits the splitting up of purchases greater than $3,000 to evade the usage of a Purchase Order.
- Dona Ana Community College is tax exempt and all purchases excluding services should not be charged tax. A copy of the tax exempt notice may be printed or emailed to vendors. If tax is charged it is the cardholder’s responsibility to get a credit as soon as possible.
- If the original receipt is missing the cardholder must contact the vendor and request a replacement; in the event a receipt cannot be obtained a pcard missing receipt form is required.
- A Cardholder determined to have made unauthorized purchases using the University’s Procurement Card may be held liable to the University for the total amount of all unauthorized purchases.
- If a Pcard is lost or stolen, it is the Pcard holders responsibility to contact issuing bank at 1-800-932-0036.
- Credit Card Card Limits: $3,000 per transaction -$10,000 total per billing cycle.
- Purchases of tangible personal property, $1,000 or more are not allowed a Purchase Order must be used.
- Business Meals https://fbs.nmsu.edu/bpm/bpm-5a.html#10.05. Business meal expenses may be paid with a University Procurement Card (Pcard) for vendors on or off campus.
- Business Meetings (Comprised of Internal Participants Only)
- DACC Internal Policy allows for a reasonable meal and/or refreshments to be provided at a business meeting of internal participants if the following conditions are met:
- The meeting is a minimum of 5 hours long
- The meeting crosses a standard meal time
- The request for meals is approved by the applicable Dean/Director
- DACC Internal Policy allows for a reasonable meal and/or refreshments to be provided at a business meeting of internal participants if the following conditions are met:
- The expense needs to be properly documented-receipts are attached, and who, what, when, where, why is documented. The Meals, Refreshments, and Hospitality Expense Worksheet needs to be used as a tool to ensure documentation is complete as well as the agenda with dates and times.
- Please be sure to upload the receipt, Meals, Refreshment, and Hospitality Expense Worksheet and the agenda with dates and times.
- Business Meetings (Comprised of Internal Participants Only)
- Unallowable Procurement Card Purchases
- Please refer to the BPM
Vendor Declined Transactions
Transactions may be declined by Visa either for “blocked” suppliers or for transactions that exceed the dollar limits of a card. If a transaction is declined, the Cardholder should contact the vendor and if the reason for the decline cannot be determined contact Wells Fargo or NMSU Pcard administrator at pcard@nmsu.edu or 646-2916 if assistance is needed. The Pcard administrator will then discuss the matter with the bank.
*** Purchases made using the Procurement Card are subject to audit/review by appropriate University personnel. Outside auditors may also review Procurement Card documentation if warranted. For these reasons, it is important that all Procurement Card documentation such as receipts, packing slips, etc. be retained on file in the business office for seven (7) years.