The STEM Institute for Teaching Excellence (SITE) is an initiative funded by Project Éxito, a U.S. Department of Education Title III STEM grant.

SITE is committed to reducing disparities in educational experiences for low-income and Hispanic students. It is the goal of SITE to provide DACC faculty in the SEM and AT divisions with access to evidence-based trainings and workshops designed to develop teaching practices and strategies to support diverse learners. SITE is STEM focused, but not restricted to STEM. General education faculty who teach required courses are eligible and encouraged to participate in SITE opportunities for professional learning. Both full time and adjunct Faculty must receive approval from their departments in order to take part in any professional learning or participation opportunity through SITE. All participation in SITE must follow the regulations and policies of DACC/NMSU.

Faculty who are approved by their department for participation in SITE are expected to provide documentation in the form of Activity Reports to the Project Director for federal reporting purposes.

SITE opportunities for professional learning

SITE opportunities for participation

For more information about the STEM Institute for Teaching Excellence (SITE), please contact Kate Pineda, Faculty Support Specialist, Title III, at or 575-528-7472.