Project Éxito
Project Éxito, A project designed to excite learning and improve access and success in student education and the workforce. We are in the Science, Engineering, and Math (SEM) Division of Dona Ana Community College. Our project targets the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) career fields. DACC has the mission and goal of increasing access and success for students using innovative practices and advising strategies to advance students. At DACC, we strive to meet all students' needs, and this project is integral to this mission.
Project Éxito’s primary function is to increase the retention and graduation rates of Hispanic and first-generation students in STEM majors with the goal of an associate degree or transfer to four-year institutions. This is a Title 3 Grant project with the mission of helping our Hispanic, first-generation, and lower income students finding success in the STEM education fields. Join us at DACC and we will help you find your STEM career path.