PTK Scholars Honored

Doña Ana Community College (DACC) students Pauline Chacon and Cesar Ruvalcaba were named to the 2017 New Mexico All USA Academic Team for their outstanding academic accomplishments and community service.

The certificates, medals and graduation regalia were presented to them recently by DACC President Renay Scott and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) advisors Mary Sletten, of Administrative Technologies and Robert Doyle and Gus Pina of the Computer Information Technology program. PTK, an honor society for two year colleges, sponsored the awards. The Alpha Omega Tau chapter at DACC nominated the students. As a result of the honor both have received a scholarship to a four-year university. Chacon will enter New Mexico State University, while Ruvalcaba will enroll in the University of Advancing Technology.

“Congratulations to both Pauline and Cesar,” said Dr. Renay Scott, President of DACC. “What a great honor for two outstanding students.”

Chacon is a former Gadsden High School 2004 graduate.  Ten years after graduating from high school she enrolled at DACC to pursue an Associate’s degree in Business Office Technology/ Bookkeeping Assistant and a certificate for Bilingual Office Specialist.

She joined PTK, “because the program provides opportunities to grow as a scholar and as a leader,” she said. “It also offers several great opportunities to qualify for scholarships to reach my goals.” “I thank my husband, three daughters, family, and friends, as well as PTK advisors Mr. Doyle and Mr. Pina for helping me in my academic career,” she added.

Chacon has a 3.98 grade point average.

Ruvalcaba is pursuing an associate’s degree in Computer Information Technology at DACC with an anticipated graduation date of May 11, 2017.  After receiving a computer from his grandparents at an early age, his fascination with technology quickly grew and led to the decision of pursuing a career in what he loved. He joined PTK to enable him to further his education and pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Network Security.

“I am honored to be a part of the 2017 All-New Mexico Academic Team,” Ruvalcaba said. “I thank everyone at DACC and in the community who encouraged me to keep pushing myself further.”