Innovation Award Presented to DACC Health Program

A new DACC certificate program that is proceeding through the NMSU curriculum approval process has been awarded as one of the most innovative community college health certificate programs in the nation.

The League for Innovation in the Community College honored the Doña Ana Community College (DACC) Community Health Worker Certificate planning template with the prestigious Riegleman Award for Excellence in Public Health and Health Navigation Education in community colleges.

“This award was presented to only six colleges this year,” said Becky Corran, Department Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences.  “We are honored to accept this award and look forward to implementing this certificate as soon as it has made its way through the NMSU system approval process.” “This program will help improve the chronic disease outcomes and reduce health care costs in New Mexico,” she added.

The 16 credit program prepares individuals to provide necessary health information in their local communities. The certificate improves the work force through the Community Health Workers Act which recognizes the experience and contributions of Community Health Workers for their longtime commitment to border and tribal regions of New Mexico. The certificate is oriented to either employment or progress to the Associate of Public Health.

The Health Worker certificate is aligned so the classes taken in the program will be accepted and applied towards the DACC Associate Degree. That degree is fully articulated in a 2 + 2 program with the NMSU Bachelor of Public Health degree.

“This department has worked with NMSU Public Health to ensure our students have a clear pathway to a Bachelor Degree,” said Collins. “Our collaboration ensures students have the opportunity to earn a degree at DACC and proceed on to finish their baccalaureate at NMSU.”

The Riegelman Awards are presented to colleges that demonstrate excellence in planning or enhancing associate degree or certificate programs in Public Health and Health Navigation education. The Riegelman Awards were presented at the League’s March 2017 Innovations Conference in San Francisco, California. Collins accepted the award on behalf of the program.

The Riegelman Awards for Excellence in Public Health & Health Navigation Education in Community Colleges are funded by Richard and Linda Riegelman as well as by Jones and Bartlett Learning.