Employer Career Resources

Workforce Development and Career Readiness offers several resources to connect employers with DACC faculty and students.

Career Fairs and Other Events

WDCR hosts two large career fairs every year plus other events to connect DACC to the community. 

DACC Fall 2023 Career Fair at the East Mesa Campus

DACC Spring 2024 Career Fair at the Espina Campus 

Recruiting Events and Information Sessions

Career Development Coordinators can assist employers with hosting information sessions or tabling events in order to reach DACC students for recruiting purposes. Please see more information here!

Hire DACC Students

Why should you hire DACC Students? 

  • We are the 4th largest higher-education institute in New Mexico
  • We have around 8,000 students
  • We offer 42+ associates degrees and 50+ certificates

How can you hire DACC Students?

We are excited to announce a free job and internship posting site for employers who would like to recruit DACC students and alumni! Please take a look at our Recruitment and Employment Guidelines to get started today!

 Hire DACC! 

Customized Training 

WDCR offers Customized Training options to fit your needs! Learn more about how Customized Training can help your business, government office, or non-profit grow!

Customized Training Information

DACC Programs

Explore DACC Programs in order to:

  • Target recruitment efforts
  • Increase skills of your current staff
  • Get involved on Advisory Committees to ensure programs are meeting industry demands
Our Divisions:
  • Advanced Technology
  • Arts, Humanities, & Social Science
  • Business & Public Service
  • Health Science
  • Science, Engineering, & Math

Explore DACC Programs


