
The Environmental and Energy Technologies Program provides students with foundational knowledge related to solar energy technology and solar panel systems, as well as related alternative-energy theory and concepts necessary to become successful in related fields.

The Environmental and Energy Technologies Program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded curriculum which includes both lecture and hands-on labs using relevant, up-to-date equipment.

Women mixes chemicals

Environmental and Energy Technologies

NOTEABLE COURSES:Blueprint Reading for Building Trades, NEC for Alternative Energy,  Introduction to Information Technology

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative coruses to graduate

DURATION: 5 semesters SEE ROADMAP >>

Basic Solar

NOTEABLE COURSESIntroduction to Information Systems, Introduction to Construction I

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative coruses to graduate

DURATION: 2 semesters SEE ROADMAP >>

Energy Conservation

NOTEABLE COURSESBuilding Analyst I, Introduction to Information Systems

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative coruses to graduate

DURATION: 2 semesters SEE ROADMAP >>

Energy Evaluation

NOTEABLE COURSES:General Building Codes, Building Envelope

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative coruses to graduate

DURATION: 4 semesters / 2 years SEE ROADMAP >>

Solar Energy Technology

NOTEABLE COURSESEnergy for the Next Generation, Technical Career Skills

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative coruses to graduate

DURATION: 2 semesters SEE ROADMAP >>

So, have we caught your interest?

Don't wait too long! Next Semester begins August 21st