
Aerospace technicians may be involved in the assembly, service, testing, operation, and repair of systems associated with dependable and reusable space launch vehicles and related ground support equipment.

The curriculum includes the core skills used in spaceflight technology, as well as instruction in commercial spaceflight requirements.

A successful graduate in this field will possess a broad range of applicable knowledge and technology-based skills. The broad skills and knowledge students acquire in this program mat also be applicable to jobs in electronics and manufacturing.

A man and woman in a space craft


Aerospace Technology Associate

NOTABLE COURSES: Aerospace SystemsAerospace Fluid Systems, Aerospace Tests and MeasurementsInspection Requirements and Planning Metrology

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative courses to graduate

DURATION: 4 semesters / 2 years



Aerospace Technology Certification

NOTABLE COURSES: Aerospace Tests and Measurements, Inspection Requirements and Planning Metrology, Aerospace Systems, Aerospace Fluid Systems

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative courses to graduate

DURATION: 3 semsters / 1.5 years


Basic Drone - UAS - Technology

Basic Drone - UAS - Technology

NOTABLE COURSES: Introduction to Drone-UAS Technology, Introduction to Drone - UAS Equipment Operation and Maintenance

REQUIREMENTS: C- or above is required in all relative courses to graduate

DURATION: 2 semsters / 1 years


So, have we caught your interest?

Don't wait too long! Next Semester begins August 21st